The Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra (SPO), founded in 1980, has been serving Scarborough for 40 years. Serving since 2009, Music Director Ronald Royer has raised the artistic standards of the orchestra with performances of major repertoire such as Ravel’s Daphnis and Chloe, Stravinsky’s Petrushka, and Mahler’s Symphony No.4. The SPO regularly commissions and performs new Canadian works. This includes a successful Composer-In-Residence program that has included Canadian composers Barbara Croall, Omar Daniel, Bruno Degazio, Alex Eddington, John Estacio, Chan Ka Nin, Alexander Rapoport, Elizabeth Raum and our current, Daniel Mehdizadeh. In 2017 the SPO released its first commercial CD, Canadian Panorama, featuring premiere recordings of all-Canadian music. The SPO mentors new generation musicians, and runs an annual New Generation Composers Workshop. The SPO strives to collaborate with various communities and arts organizations within Scarborough.
The Canadian Music Centre has been supporting, preserving and celebrating the works of Canadian composers since 1959. As proud and passionate advocates, we offer innovative resources for discovering, exploring, listening to and playing Canadian music online and in five regional hubs. Serving composers, artists, performing organizations, educators, students and audiences of all ages, we offer a feast for the ears from the heart of our unique cultural experience! By connecting the world with Canadian music and the talented artists who create it, we maintain an extensive archive of scores and works by Canadian composers accessible online and through our lending library as well as a publishing and repertoire consultation service. The award-winning Centrediscs label offers high quality/professional commercial and archival recordings. We are a valuable cultural resource, representing a growing community of over 900 professional Canadian Composers by showcasing their music through our website and social media, at conferences worldwide and educational workshops. Since nothing compares to a live performance, the CMC hosts and sponsors concerts and events across the country connecting audiences with our talented Canadian composers. Ronald Royer is an Associate Composer of the Canadian Music Centre.
The Canadian League of Composers (CLC) serves the interests of Canada’s art music composers. Through advocacy, communication and partnerships, the CLC upholds and nurtures a favourable artistic, social, political and economic environment for its members and their work. Ronald Royer is a member.
SOCAN serves music creators, music publishers and visual artists, ensures users are Licensed to Play, and collects/distributes royalties in Canada and worldwide. Ronald Royer is a member.
ASMAC promotes the art of Music Arranging, Composition, and Orchestration within the commercial arts community and the general public by educating and informing both about the roles our members play in the creation of music, past and present. We provide a dynamic forum in which our members can make contact with each other to exchange ideas and information about the art of music and the music industry. Always with an eye to the future, we encourage and support emerging arrangers and composers in their development so that they may carry the flame into the future. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, ASMAC is offering weekly online webinars. Ronald Royer is a member.
Writing music is hard work. Every day composers struggle against procrastination, doubt, fear, and the blank page. Many composers, due to the nature of their creative work, don’t recognize the need to develop skills in business, networking, selling, and promotion. Composers are actually small-business owners selling the fruit of their craft. More than that, composers are in the business of having to be creative every day. As a composer and a teacher I have personally struggled with these issues and have seen them in my colleagues, peers, and students. Because of that I started The Portfolio Composer podcast and coaching to help composers achieve their goals and thrive in the art of composing. The podcasts do this through interviews with composers, performers, and creatives. The interviews are masterclasses on building a career in composition and achieving success as a composer. Each interview is unique and highlights just one of the many paths a career in composition can take. My goal is to help composers become the composers they have always dreamed of being. Through coaching I can provide individualized help for composers so they can see the success they’ve always dreamed of. I recommend this podcast.